Prayers for Infants

These Prayers for infants are for new parents looking to seek the help of God to guide them through parenthood.  I included Baby blessing prayers, prayers for baby protection, and prayers for your newborn babys health.

Praying for a healthy delivery of a newborn is known to be a major stressor in many new parents life. Knowing this, we share with you a couple prayers to relieve your stress.

Baby bedtime prayers are also included as gentle lullaby music to play in the evening when rocking your new sweet child to sleep.

Some of these are short prayers for babies can be easily whispered in your infants ears.    We hope that these prayers for your baby will help give you peace and tranquility as you and your child embark of lifes journey together!

Included within these prayers are a copy of the infant prayer “Called Into Being” and the Healing Prayer.  You can use these prayers as a morning prayer or a bedtime prayer for you and your baby.

Prayer for babies never stops at the infant stages. Every stage of child hood development is crucial hence,  praying for your child becomes essential with every new stage in life, because there are whole new sets of challenges.

I included some quick prayer points on how to pray for a baby and  included the benefits of praying for your baby on a daily basis.

Now that I am sharing some of my favorite prayers with you, I want to hear from you!  What do you use use as parents to pray over your baby?

Stay tuned, where I share some unknown facts about babies from around the world!

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